Is it really possible to enlarge the penis and is that not a health hazard? Right now there are radical plastic surgery methods and safer and easier approaches at home. Below are the most important recommendations and tips for men who want to improve their sex life and show their partner their new size.
Penis anatomy
The male genitals perform reproductive and urogenital functions. The penis includes the base, main body (body), and the glans. In the body of the penis there are cavernous bodies that are filled with blood when sexually aroused, underneath is the spongy part through which a channel for urination is laid.
At the end of the penis there is a thickening in the form of a cone - the head is covered with a fold of skin called the foreskin.
Cavernous bodies are elastic and can therefore stretch slightly in length under certain mechanical influences.

Which sizes are considered normal: "gold standard"
Is it possible to enlarge the penis if it deviates from normal parameters? The average value of a non-erect penis is just over 9 cm, with sexual arousal this value increases to 13. 1 cm, which is considered the standard for a man.
Do not think that deviations from this rule are considered pathology, deviations with a difference of several centimeters are quite possible. Deviation from the norm - the length in the state of erection is less than 7 cm.

What affects the size
The indicators can be influenced by the genetic predisposition, the state of health of a person, the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as the race. Koreans and Thais have been shown to have small penises, but in African countries their size often exceeds 17 centimeters.
Congenital abnormalities and developmental disorders can also affect the coveted centimeter, and for the worse. In this case, the man is shown surgical intervention to restore important functions.
How to measure correctly
To determine your worth, place a ruler on the pubic bone and measure the erect sex organ to the end of the head. The use of a standard school ruler is recommended for the determination, aids and improvised means can lead to inaccurate calculations.
Remember that the size is not affected by:
- Height and weight of a person;
- the length and shape of the nose;
- Shoe size;
- the shape and length of the fingers;
- some habits.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis at home with a minimal cost? Numerous folk recipes are often a myth and can also trigger allergies. It is best to use proven methods recommended by traditional medicine.
The most famous methods without surgery
Below are the approaches that can help you make a difference with rehabilitation without expensive surgeries.
Vacuum pump
This is a device that works on the principle of a pump, pumps pressure into the container and creates a vacuum space. The presence of the penis in this bottle leads to microcracks of the erectile tissue, as the healing progresses, the cells begin to divide more actively, which leads to the desired result.
Attention:If you buy these devices in specialty stores, start your workout after 5 minutes. If pain occurs, remove the penis.

Can a penis be enlarged with a pump? This requires at least a month of regular exercise. It is better to combine the practice with the application of creams and gels with active ingredients.
Weights of different weights will stretch the penis in length if you exercise regularly. Starting with a small weight, carefully monitor your well-being. Carelessness can lead to injury and erectile dysfunction.
It is a fixation device that keeps the genitals in a stretched state and enlarges it up to 3 cm. The fixator is worn for 4 hours a day, after a month you can see the results. The change in parameters is due to the improvement in tissue regeneration. By the way, the device also helps with the curvature of the penis, it is often used to recover from an operation.
Is it possible to really enlarge the penis with the help of gymnastics? This approach is considered safer than simulators; it is entirely possible to change the indicators, provided that the right technique and regularity are assumed. Sport promotes blood circulation, makes the erectile tissue elastic and prevents prostatitis and impotence.

With this method, the muscles of the intimate zone are preheated with a warm towel, then the man brings himself to an erection, lies down and begins to stretch the penis with intense movements with his thumb and forefinger (the head must not be touched! ). Distinguish between dry and wet gymnastics (jelqing), the latter method is recommended for beginners while using a lubricant. Dry movements are suitable for experienced men and are considered more effective.
Cone complex
A man should pinch and relax the muscle involved in forced urinary retention (after practicing several times, you will find it quickly). In your free time, trainings take place several times a day, since your actions are invisible, they can be carried out in public transport or in the workplace.
Intensive massage movements in any direction as well as back and forth movements activate metabolic processes and contribute to a gradual change in size. Better to combine with special creams and gels.
Tablets, dietary supplements
Manufacturers produce capsules and tablets based on plants (with ginseng extract, ginger, horse root), with which you not only achieve the original goal, but also increase libido, become hardy in bed. They are used in the absence of contraindications.
A brew of thyme, wormwood seeds and garlic tincture - daily use improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on potency.
Carefully:an incorrectly calculated dosage can lead to side effects, and allergic reactions are also possible.
Folk tunes
Is it realistic to use folk remedies to enlarge the penis? This approach is questionable and can compromise reproductive health. Baking soda as an irritant, the application of petroleum jelly under the skin, the use of large and heavy loads - all this is guaranteed to lead to injury, torn muscles and impotence.

Creams, gels, sprays
Right now this is the best option. The composition of specialized products includes plant extracts, essential oils that accelerate cell division and lead to the thickening of the penis. Certain types of products have anti-inflammatory effects, increase sexual desire. It should be used regularly, including before intercourse.
Surgical supplies
In rare cases, the doctor offers the patient an operation under general or local anesthesia.
The following indications for this method stand out:
- Curvature of the genitals (congenital or acquired);
- Micropenis (less than 4 cm);
- Trauma to the intimate organs;
- Peyronie's disease;
- painful erection.
Important:Operations are contraindicated in severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, intolerance to anesthetics, circulatory disorders, tendency to thrombosis.
Types of operations
Can the penis be enlarged with the advances in surgery? It is entirely possible, you just have to choose the right technique.
The surgeon makes an incision in the upper part of the penis, after which he cuts the ligament (hence the name ligamentotomy), which increases the length of the genitals by several inches. Finally, a suture is created, which is removed after two weeks.
Fallo prosthetics
In this method, the surgeon performs plastic surgery of the penis from tissue from the patient's back, the advantage of the technology is that it can also restore almost missing genitals. The operation is time-consuming, takes several hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery period lasts six months, during which the patient is shown sexual abstinence.
Microsurgical muscle transplant
This is an expensive and rare procedure that involves grafting skin from the armpit onto the penis and making an incision at the base of the genitals. Rehabilitation takes a month and a half. With this approach, the penis increases in thickness rather than length.

It is an injection of processed fat cells from the body tissue, which also thickens the organ. It is considered a minimally invasive and simple technique.
Hyaluronic acid injections
Is it possible to really enlarge the penis with hyaluronic acid used for cosmetic purposes? It is possible, moreover, it is safe and painless, but the result will only please you for a few months.
Side effects and complications
The following negative phenomena are possible with invasive methods:
- Impotence;
- rapid ejaculation;
- Bruises and scars;
- Problems urinating, pain;
- infectious complications in the form of bacterial buildup.
Attachments: a quick way to enlarge your penis
Soft and hypoallergenic medical grade silicone is used in the manufacture of these accessories; Manufacturers produce ribbed and embossed devices in a variety of colors. Some products have an open mind, which improves the sex experience. Modern devices are equipped with vibration and a remote control that can be used to switch modes. One downside: using them unnoticed by the girl won't work.

Penis enlargement without the help of specialists and devices
Is it possible to enlarge the penis without cost and doctor? We offer simple and effective methods.
Diet: healthy foods
Restriction of spicy, fatty and fried foods, avoidance of sweet desserts - all this contributes to the normalization of well-being. To improve potency and change volume for the better, regularly eat the following foods for enhancement:
- Fruits and vegetables;
- Zinc-rich seafood such as mussels or oysters
- natural honey;
- Nuts (especially walnuts);
- lean meat and fish high in protein;
- Garlic;
- fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt).
Healthy lifestyle: giving up bad habits
Living a healthy lifestyle with the right balance between work and relaxation is a great way to increase your sexual performance and feel stronger. Reject alcohol consumption or severely restrict it, get rid of addictions such as smoking. All of this will have a positive effect on your blood vessels and therefore your sexual function.
Regular physical activity of moderate intensity is useful for a man, as it strengthens the heart, activates the process of blood movement, which leads to a change in genital volume. In addition, weight training increases the production of testosterone, the hormone that is responsible for sexual arousal and erection.
Try to be active every day by finding the sport that you enjoy.

What women think
In the opinion of many women, it is not so much the size but the ability to use the penis that is more important, the correct technique of intercourse can lead to orgasm. At the same time, the parameters can be standard, in order to achieve vaginal sexual discharge, penetration of up to 15 cm is completely sufficient.
Too large sizes (18 cm or more) can lead to micro-tears in the vagina, bleeding after sex, painful intercourse, so girls don't always want to see a partner with very long manly dignity next to them.
Doctors' opinion
Experts say that the vagina is an elastic organ that can adjust to any length of the penis. Is it possible to enlarge the penis with the help of drugs, surgical intervention? This is possible, but justified only in the case of serious deviations in development, when an insufficient value adversely affects full-fledged sexual intercourse and reproductive functions.
In other cases, it is recommended to work with safe and useful gymnastics, exercise equipment (without contraindications) and local preparations.
Conclusion: is there an effect
The effectiveness of drug methods is proven by numerous studies and patents, there are doubts about the effectiveness of improvisational and folk remedies. In either case, you can only "grow" the genitals a few centimeters, and the exact values will depend on the initial situation, state of health, the approach chosen and other factors.
The effect can only be seen under the condition of regular training and exact compliance with medical prescriptions (e. g. during the rehabilitation phase after plastic surgery).
Several secrets to visually enlarging the penis
And finally, the most harmless tricks that absolutely suit everyone!
Obesity not only has a negative effect on sexual performance, it also makes your manhood less visible. Fat deposits are often deposited in the abdomen. A fold of skin hangs over the genitals and makes them look smaller.
The way out is simple: a moderate diet, combined with regular aerobic exercise, adherence to the calorie deficit rule and active pastime, gets rid of the problem area and makes the penis more visible.

Shave your pubic hair
Excessive vegetation in the genital area also prevents a woman from considering male dignity, which does not seem so impressive. In addition, this part of the body without hair looks much more attractive and well-groomed.
If you remove unwanted vegetation with a razor or trimmer, the desired number of centimeters will visually change and you will feel more confident.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis without radical medical intervention? The answer is yes, you just have to choose a method that has a minimal number of contraindications and suits you for health reasons and financial possibilities.